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Nagawicka YachtShop

Get your NLYC Custom Items Here!

YachtShop (Primary)

Click the red arrow above to start shopping for NLYC shirts, hats, outerwear, blankets, towels, bags, coolers, glassware and more through our SquadLocker store. Multiple logo designs available. The Club receives a percentage of the profits from items sold.

Alternate NLYC Merchandise Site

An alternate NLYC shopping site brought to you by our partners at Yacht Club Flags a subsidiary of DEL Flags. Check it out along with our primary YachtShop above.

NLYC Burgee


Proudly display your NLYC membership on your boat or in your home by ordering a NLYC burgee today.  Click image of burgee at the left to order OR contact Craig at Craig may have some burgees on hand.

NLYC Tankard


Order a NLYC Tankard to drink your favorite beverage from by sending an email to Linda at  The $45 will be collected when the mug arrives. 

Please Include:    Name  and/or  Sail # exactly as you would like it on the mug. Also note whether you are a right- or left-handed drinker.

Please note the these may be ordered in groups throughout the year & may not be immediately available for purchase.


Memorial Brick $100

Would you like to add a special brick to our garden?  Please reach out to Hardy Weiler at to order.  Bricks have a maximum of 3 lines of text with approximately 12 letters/spaces per line.



Please contact Rebecca Cleary if you have questions about any of our YachtShop products: